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 (Biology & Art)


For my first Internship I TA’d for the Biology teacher Charity in ACLC, what I basically did was to help the teacher give handouts to the students in the classroom. On the other hand, for the first 2 weeks, we reviewed food chains and food webs. I presented to the class about what food chains and webs are, and I explained what materials someone would need if they're in the mountains, food chains that may be in the mountains, and how we can obtain them. I was also in charge of Wednesday's fourth-period class to make sure the class was good and set up. One main thing I had to do was stack up chairs for the 4th and 6th periods. - For my second internship I TA’d for the art teacher in ACLC Caroline Stern. What I basically did was to help the teacher give handouts to students, I also handed out books to learners and helped find books that they were interested in for art projects. I have also read for the whole class to give a better understanding of what projects we are going to be working on. I was also in charge of hanging stuff around the classroom, like posters or ACLC schedules. I would also organize student projects/works on racks so that Caroline could later on grade them, I organized handouts and helped Caroline to have an organized classroom. An example of having the classroom organized was by organizing art materials, boxes, and important documents for the next following days. A thing I would also do was help students with anything they needed to do for their work if they couldn't find it. 

Journal Log     Hours 


1 hour

Today I helped Caroline to give handouts to the students for 5th period class. I also read for the class what we will be doing for the day and what we will be reviewing for the following week to start a project for next week. 


1 hour

Today was fun, students had independent work so I organized files for the class.


1 hour

It was more of a chill day today, I assisted with students who only needed help with materials.


1 hour

Just got back from break, today I had to get tested for Covid-19 (came out negative), I started to intern again during 5th period art class with Caroline, today I assist students who need help with their work or understanding their assignments, whole period was independent work so I really didn't had to help students with their work.


2 hours

Today I helped the substitute teacher handing out attendance and submitting the attendance sheet for 4th and 5th period art class to the office with Heather. I also organized some art history books into shelves and hung ACLC’s bell schedule in the classroom.


8 hours

These days I TA’d for two facilitators, Caroline for art, and Charity for Biology. These were easy days so all I did was to give handouts and help the facilitator with whatever they would assign me to do. 


1 hour

I cleared some art materials from the tables and replaced them with new ones for the next class.


4 hours

 I collected students' works and put them in their folders, then I stacked the folders and allocated them in some shelfs.


2 hours

I helped Caroline organize part of a section of the classroom, I organized paperwork and allocated it into shelves, I also helped some students find their work and placed some art stuff into boxes.

                                                                          Closing Remarks


My internship is not over yet, it ends till the end of the school year, but I can say that I have obtained some life skills that I would need in the future. I learned a lot with these facilitators and they have helped me a lot with expanding my knowledge, creativity, and perspective in the world. I certainly did learn to communicate more with people and interact with one another, my art teacher gave me the confidence to be a great TA and show leadership when it's needed. She surely taught me the importance of art and what we can learn and communicate from it, I got to see different types of art from different learning styles that learners would handout and they gave me different perspectives about people and their way of thinking which is awesome to know, it teaches you different atmospheric perspectives that people can have in the world we live in. I'm certainly satisfied with what I have achieved with these internships, it gave me the opportunity to feed my mind with many things I have learned to do, and experience different stuff that I would've never thought of doing. These skills would be a key factor in the future, I would definitely put my skills into practice on a daily basis, it has surely helped me understand workplace culture. 

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